
Upgrade macbook pro hard drive early 2011
Upgrade macbook pro hard drive early 2011

upgrade macbook pro hard drive early 2011 upgrade macbook pro hard drive early 2011

I also just replaced the old hard drive with a 500GB SSD on my home laptop, and I would recommend that to anyone, the boot/load performance boost is great.

upgrade macbook pro hard drive early 2011

If your work is RAM-intensive, it's well worth the extra few bucks (Euros, name your currency) to go up to 16GB. However, there are lots of accounts on the Internet of folks successfully upgrading to 16GB RAM with no issues, and I can say that I have done so myself and am entirely happy with it. The official word for RAM on that generation of MBP's is 8GB RAM supported. So, if you have 4GB RAM, you're actually only left with 2.5GB, and your system will be sluggish (and there's no setting for adjusting that on most models). With Sierra, Apple forced the OS to reserve 1.5GB RAM (the amount can vary depending on the model) for video, in order to properly support 4K external displays. That said, Apple made a decision "for you" that you should be aware of. High Sierra runs great on it, and with that i7, you should be able to continue to use it for quite some time. I've got a late 2011 at home, as well as a mid-2012 at work, and yeah, it's definitely worth upgrading.

Upgrade macbook pro hard drive early 2011